Flirc Raspberry Pi 4 Case ($15.95) Usually free 1 day shipping:
The reason for this case is because it also acts as a heat sink and will keep your cpu cool without any fans. probably best heatsink ever due to the whole case being made out of aluminum.

Raspberry Pi 4 2GB version ($35) Free shipping for this version:
You can also get it on amazon, for faster shipping: https://amzn.to/2ok5coo
But of course on Amazon, with all products, shipping is in the price.
Vilros is having free shipping and better to buy from here than amazon since amazon doesn't sell it at this price.

Power Supply with switch, Output: DC 5.1V / 3.0A ($8.98) Usually free 1 day shipping:
There is an official power supply, however, this one is nicer with the switch for $1 more. Plus free shipping on amazon.
There is also a 1GB pi for $35 and 4GB pi for $55. However, you will pay shipping on those at that website. The 4GB would be nice for a minecraft server I would think.
- 1GB = $35
- 2GB = $35
- 4GB = $55
$60 total for good case, power supply and the board. you will still need a micro sd card. I recommend the following for an extra $9-$10

Samsung 32GB EVO Plus Class 10 Micro SDHC 80mb/s ($8.90):
Samsung always has the best micro SD cards. and the price is unbeatable.
Other accessories:
2x HDMI to micro HDMI converters ($7.99):
if you have a bunch of HDMI cables, this is the best way to go. If not, just get an actual cord
HDMI to micro HDMI cord ($5.98):
You can get a full kit as well